Did I mention we had a busy weekend last weekend? Well in between soccer games on Saturday and after the World Cup Party, we headed back to Roanoke for Raegan's gymnastics show-off. Basically all the girls are invited to show their parents what they can do and they all get this lovely (not worth $30) medal. Oh and a shirt. I don't get to watch Raegan in gymnastics because I am running back to pick up the twins and getting ready for soccer practice since those are now back-to-back. So it was a treat for me to see what she can do. She doesn't like the beams and isn't too wonderful on them. She does really well on the floor. I didn't realize that she is now going down in the backbend by herself. She can also do the kickover but she's been doing that for awhile. Raegan rocks out the bars. She loves them! She can do all the flips by herself now. She did a great job at the show off!
The Mann's (from Raegan's soccer team) hosted a World Cup party in between games. USA was playing England. The Mann's are from England and Coach Paul, being the Irish man that he is, rallied all the girls to cheer on USA. The girls mainly played outside in the pool while the adults ate, drank, and watched soccer. It was a fun time and the game ended up in a 1-1 tie. So everyone was somewhat happy with the results!
The Odyssey 03 girls played in the Puma Cup Tournament this past weekend. They did terrific (granted the other teams weren't very good competition). They passed, the crossed the ball, they spread out, the played good defense. It was really fun to watch them work the field. They ended up winning the tournament and no other team scored on them at all. I got several good pictures of the games. I LOVE my new camera and have a hard time finding bad pictures.
Roanoke has a nice little spray park that's fun for the kids. Trophy Club is also getting on July 4th! Anyway, on my first official day of summer, we met a few friends up there to play and have a picnic lunch. The girls all had a ball! We'll head up there again soon!
Since Raegan has a summer birthday, she got to pick a day that she wanted to celebrate her birthday at school. This is called her "Un-Birthday" party. Of course I was able to attend and the Bubbie came too since she was there for Sloane's graduation. The kids sang to her and Ms. Walker tried to get her to dance. It was really cute.
I don't know how Sloane got to be in 5th grade. I swear it wasn't that long ago that I was calling in to work at Don Pablo's telling them that I wouldn't be there because my niece was about to be born. It wasn't long ago that she was potty training and hanging out with me every summer. But she's moving on to middle school next year and I just can't believe it. I was able to go to her Awards Ceremony today at school. She looked so pretty and happy to be graduating from 5th grade. Sloane received all commended scores on her TAKS tests this year! She rocks!