We got Spooky Man in March of 1999, so that Mexi Kitty would have a playmate. Bryan and I were still living in a one bedroom apartment. The cats ran crazy in there and were our first babies. Spooky Man was a weird cat and for the first 8 years or so would eat holes in anything and everything. If clothes were left out, Spooky Man would chew a hole right through them. He once chewed off the corner of a leather couch. He was weird but such a loving cat. He enjoyed sleeping with the girls and really loved on the twins when they were babies.
Spooky started going outside when we put the dog door in in 2008. He loved it outside. He rolled in the grass and would wait for us on the front porch. Unfortunately an animal found his way into our yard on the night of the 4th. Spooky Man is greatly missed. Not a week goes by that Raegan doesn't say she misses him and misses him cuddling with her. RIP Spooky.