Samantha Kay (The Peanut) weighed in at 8 lb 10 oz. (7th %tile). She was 21.5 in long (19th %tile). She is just a tiny, little thing but very healthy. Samantha has really good head control for her little self. Here she is showing off and thinking about smiling for the camera.
Mallory Rose (The Chunk) weighed in at 10 lb 12 oz. (46th %tile). She was 22.5 in. long (51st %tile). She is looking fabulous and the doctor says it's like she wasn't even early. See the smirk I finally caught on camera? Mallory is smiling more these days (another indication that she is beginning to focus better). Mallory has also started to coo! And here are the best friends. When the girls lay together (rare since they don't sleep together), Samantha is very calm near Mallory. She just lays there and watches Mallory scream wondering what in the hell she is thinking. However, Samantha is normally my screamer so it's rather odd to see her so calm near her sister. They are both wearing 0-3 month clothes now, although Samantha could still get away with newborns. And both girls are in a size 1 diaper. I still have not purchased any diapers yet. It's been fabulous. Between that and the milk machine I am, we really have saved quite a bit of money. Thanks to everyone who contributed diapers and wipes! My checkbook thanks you!
1 comment:
Your kiddos still look very similar - mine don't really look alike until you REALLY look at them in the face really good.
Our twins are similar in that we have one who is a chunk and the other is petite. Our chunk is the quiet/patient one (sleeps through a lot) and the petite one would be the louder of the two and lighter sleeper.
Time is flying by!!!
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