Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rae plays volleyball!

As part of my get-Rae-more-involved-with-her-school-friends mission, she was asked to chose a sport to play with her friends.  She decided to try volleyball and in talking with a few moms, we were able to get her on a team with several girls that she goes to school with.  Because they wanted to keep the girls together, we had to sign up for the more advanced league.  It was a BEATING!  Raegan did great, but the team really struggled in 99% of the games.  It was a long season for Raegan (and us).  She did love volleyball though and because of that, we are hoping to get on a different team in the spring.  She even asked to try out for a select team.  As if we have time for that with select soccer.  The answer was obviously no.

Rae was one of 2 girls that served overhand in the games.  She got 90% of them over.

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