Monday, June 22, 2009

The Last Supper

The Twincesses had their last sippy of momma's milk on Saturday. They were 10 days shy of 14 months. 100% breastmilk that entire time! My freaking boobs rock! Of course they don't rock anymore but hopefully they will be rewarded for their hard work. Say in March.

Anyway, here are the twincesses enjoying their Last Supper. Spooky Man joined in as he normally does. Check out the chunks that my milk put on their thighs!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge

We went to Great Wolf Lodge for Raegan's birthday. We had a blast! Raegan took her friends Madeline, Sydney, Kylee, and Taylor to the party. Sloane also went and was a HUGE help with the girls. We arrived at the Lodge around 1:00, checked in the hotel, and got ready to swim. We swam until 5:30 and then went up to have pizza and cake. Raegan opened her presents and we all headed back to the waterpark. When the waterpark was closing we headed up to the clock tower to listen to the storytime. It was a great time! Here are some pictures from the party!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Family Birthday Party for Raegan

We had Raegan's family birthday party a few days early because we are headed to Great Wolf Lodge on her real birthday. Everyone was here including Mary Jane, Noreen's mom. It was a bit noisy but lots of fun. Raegan was crazy and very hyper! She got lots of fun things including a Nintendo DS, video games, a basketball and net for outside, clothes, and gift cards. I can't believe my oldest will be 6 this week! Be sure to check back for pictures from Great Wolf Lodge!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun with Aunt Carole

Aunt Carole has been here since Ellie was born on May 27th. The girls have all had a great time with her. She has been taking them shopping, taking them to camp, and just hanging out. Here are some pictures she took this week and a few of her and the girls as well. She is on her way through Iowa and then back to Montana. We can't wait until she comes back to play more! I hope to drive to Montana next summer for a few weeks of fun. But that will be by myself so we will see!

Everyone likes a good poop story, Right?

Yeah we'll I'm going to humiliate Mallory and add pictures with the story. If you have a weak stomach, stop reading!

So we went to pick up Chicken Express for Raegan's family birthday party last night. It took all of 40 minutes. On the way home Raegan said that Mallory was eating something. Hmmm, what could that be? She didn't have any snacks with her. No food tucked in her shirt from snacktime. Yep, her ass exploded and she was eating her own poop. Oh dear lord, I hope this isn't a sign of her intelligence!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Raegan had kindergarten graduation today. The classes sang 3 songs, recited a poem, walked the "bridge" to first grade, and watched a slideshow of pictures from the year. It was really cute and a great way to end the year. Raegan has done an excellent job in kinder. She is already reading at a mid-first grade level and is also doing well in math. Mrs. Shuster has been an excellent teacher! I couldn't ask for a better person to start Raegan's schooling off right. I look forward to seeing her again when the twins are in kindergarten. I cannot believe I have a child going into first grade soon! Enjoy the pictures from the event!