Monday, May 24, 2010

Toddler Beds

The girls' cribs were recalled. They have the lovely dropside cribs that everyone wants to banish right now. We waited 2 weeks for replacement parts and the girls slept in pack and plays. So instead of wait any longer, I decided to take the plunge and turn the beds into toddler beds. Problem was that I didn't have any side rails. So in the pictures you can see that I stuffed a roll of tubes covered in blankets under the sheets at the edges of the beds. I was hoping this would stop them from falling off. But it didn't. Sam fell out 3 times and cried "I fell out mommy" everytime. Mallory fell out 2 times and decided the floor was just as good of a place to sleep as anywhere else. They now have side rails and are doing well in their toddler beds. They can't even get out of them because the rails cover basically the entire crib. They might as well still be in cribs!

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