Saturday, November 1, 2008

6 Months Already!

Woa! We are 6 months old these days! We can't believe that we are getting so big. So in the world of the Sharer twincesses, things are going great. We are eating solid foods like champs and we continue to get only mommy's milk. She was so excited today when she realized she met her original goal of 6 months of only breastmilk. She thinks her ta-tas can make it another 6 months. No problem!

We are happy little things and like to go places that our big sister goes. We like soccer games, practice, gymnastics, and all of her school events. We are so patient until we get in the car to go home and then all hell breaks loose. But we are doing better in the car. No long road trips in our future though!
So from Samantha's end of the world things are good. Samantha has become a bit of the quiet one lately. She is still going to physical therapy but has been dropped down to every other week. Samantha passed her noggin screener and did not need a fancy helmet. She is able to sit up with a bit of her arms to prop herself. Samantha can also scoot to about any place within a 5 foot radius of where she is laid down. She is also the champion sleeper these days and has figured out how to find her binky in her crib. Good girl! As far as her stats, here they are...13 lb 11 oz (10th %tile) and 25 3/4" (49th %tile). So she's still on the charts!
From Mallory's side of the world things are also looking great! Mallory is quite the chatty one and sometimes screams just to hear herself. She isn't upset but just noisy. Mallory has a super, duper noggin shaper. She has been wearing it for 3 days now and is doing great with it. Mom says that any baby that can sleep in their own poop and not care, could obviously care less about wearing something on their head! And she is right of course. Mallory is also sitting with just a little arm prop. She can roll with the best of them. Mallory has become a bit needy at night and wants to be plugged throughout the night. She doesn't know it yet but this weekend that is going to come to an end. Please keep mommy in your thoughts. And the chunk's stats are...17 lb 11 oz (80th %tile) and 27 1/4" (91st %tile). Yep she is EXACTLY 4 pounds heavier than Samantha! Crazy!

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