Saturday, May 23, 2009

Field Day 2009!

Raegan had her 2nd field day this past week. She had one last year at Lillie Jackson also. The kids had a lot of fun and I was able to be there most of the day (minus an hour for a Babe's luncheon. Who would miss that?). Her class was so well behaved and really enjoyed themselves with all the games. She was beat after the day and so was I! I give props to all the kindergarten teachers out there. There is no way I could teach that grade!

Raegan has a mere 2 weeks left of school now. On June 4th she will have kindergarten graduation. She is excited about that! On May 28th, a piece of Raegan's artwork is on display at the administration building. She says it's her Horned Owl painting. I have yet to see it but I'm excited for her! She and Sloane are such great artists!

We also will meet Baby Ellie in 5 days! We are all very excited about her arrival. Noreen and I will have a day to play tomorrow. We'll do lunch and get pedicures before Ellie arrives. Everyone needs some pampering before giving birth. Please send positive thoughts her way. I'm hoping the labor and delivery goes smoothly for Noreen and Baby Ellie is a healthy, little princess. I'll be posting pictures of her Thursday night if she has arrived by the time I have to leave the hospital. So check back then!

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