Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning in the Sharer house

I always find it amusing what the girls learn everyday. Without really teaching them anything, they just figure things out. They all constantly have me smiling. So I thought I would do an update of sorts about what new learning is taking place in our house. First let me preface this by saying that I DO NOT teach academics in my house. I just don't. I never did with Raegan as a kid. I will reinforce what's going on at school, but I believe school is the place for kids to learn academics. With that being said, Raegan didn't know her letters until she started PreK pals. She couldn't write her name and I don't remember how high she could count. But upon starting PreK Pals, she became a wealth of new knowledge. I mean she just picked everything up quickly. I didn't care to have a 3 year old that could read. Reading as a 3 year old doesn't mean that you are cognitively gifted. It means that your parents have worked with you. In the Sharer house, we learn common knowledge skills. We take each teaching opportunity and show the girls new things. And yet Raegan was still able to learn and is exceling in school and in the gifted program.

So I'm taking the same approach with the twins. But unlike Raegan's former sitter, their babysitter does hit on some academics while they are there. So they are learning more than she did at that age. I'm grateful for it and just laugh at the things they pick up.

The Sharer Girl Updates:

Raegan #1 Princess:
* Reading on level K in school, end of first grade.
* Learning how to add and subtract and doing it in her head at all times.
* Expanding her writing but still writes paragraphs full of run-ons, like most 1st graders. And then... because... and. LOL!
* Learning how to 'play' with her sisters and really enjoying them (I think).
* Learning how to use her skills on the soccer field and think before acting. She's shown AMAZING growth!
* Continuing to talk up a storm and broaden her vocabulary along the way.
* Learning grammar rules in school. Learning about verbs, contractions, compound words, nouns. I don't remember that they teach this stuff in 1st grade!!
* Learning that the evenings are not a time that she can just run wild. I'm hoping that this impulse control can carry on throughout the day and that she can soon be free of her ADHD meds. I'm not holding my breath though.

Samantha #2 Princess:
* Learning that SHE is in control her of pottying. She now tells us that she needs to go or she just gets up there and does it herself. Talk about funny!
* Puzzles, puzzles, and more puzzles. She LOVES them and is quick doing them.
* Learning that throw up belongs in a bowl or the toilet. She had a stomach bug this week. She puked in a bowl at the dinner table, on her plate, and in the toilet a few times. Only once on me!
* Learning that she is NOT a morning person and letting everyone know about it. Poor Peyton just wants a hug in the morning and she doesn't want to give him the time of day.
* Learning how to put words together and make sentences. And learning that mom expects good talking if you actually want something.
* Learning that 'reading' books is fun. She wants to sit all day long and read book after book.
* Learning that Raegan isn't really the devil and sometimes it's fun to play with her.

Mallory #3 Princess:
* Learning how to sing the ABC song and other songs like Row Your Boat and Patty Cake.
* Learning that she is a TALKER! She constantly amazes us with the things she says and remembers. Her memory is like Raegan's. After taking Maddie to school this morning, Mallory gets in the car and says, "Where's Maddie?" LOVE IT!
* Learning and perfecting the use of the response "NO" and run away.
* Learning that if mom gets to 3, she's not going to be a happy person and slaps on the hand really do hurt.
* Learning that her name starts with M-A. When you ask her what her baby's name is she'll respond with "M".
* Learning how to count. 1-2-4-5-6-8.
* Learning how to push buttons. Most importantly mom's.

Bryan and I aren't learning anything important right now. So no need to touch on us :)

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