Monday, September 20, 2010

Montana Part 2

Carole lives in an Amish community that is about half Amish and half English. The family down her road has twins that are 3 weeks older than S & M. We got a chance to get all of the kids together. Their son is also 7 like Raegan. When we were there they let us feed their chickens. The 2 sets of twins were so cute together!

The girls also got to go on a buggy ride with Doris and Joel. They rode into town to deliver ice cream and strawberries. They loved it!

While Bryan and Carole were getting a new car, I took the girls into Eureka to play at the park. Talk about an old school park!

Driving Carole's gator was a highlight everyday. One night we came back from the store. Raegan was driving and Carole was working the pedals. We pulled it into the garage to park and somehow the accelerator got stuck. We ran right through the log support and knocked it out of the wall. Quite the sight!

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