Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have no patience for the nurse practioner at my pediatrician's office. None. This is the second time I've wanted to punch her in the face. Tell me how my poor little Mallory can go from "perfect, clear ears, just a little cold" on Monday .... to.... "bad, double ear infections" on Wednesday. Seriously? Did you NOT believe me when I said that she was pulling at her ears on Monday? I mean come on, she's not 2 months old. She can pull on her ears and will if they hurt. I think that's a bit of a sign that something is going on other than a freaking cold.

So last time I wanted to punch this lady in the face, I said I wasn't going back to her again. This time I mean it. Today I went to another lady in the Irving office. She was MUCH more thorough. She actually listened to me, listened and looked around at Mallory, took her oxygen levels, suctioned her nose for me. You name it. She did it. Thanks Becky. You need to give Brenda some lessons on how to be thorough and not just dismiss everything as a little cold. Hooker.

OK so I'm done complaining about the hooker. I'm hoping Mallory feels better tomorrow after starting her antibiotics. But if not, I have nothing planned and can stay home with her again. I stayed home on Monday. Bryan stayed home on Tuesday. My mom stayed this morning (Wed) and I did the afternoon. It's been fun snuggling with my princess. That doesn't happen often when you have 2 babies to look after.


Kami said...

Forst off, I want to say that I hope Mallory starts to feel better soon. Poor baby girl. Second, the hooker comment mad me giggle. It's something about that word. LOL


Erin said...

Ha! I LOVE that you called her a hooker. If only it was to her face!