Saturday, August 18, 2007

Human Pin Cushion

Yes, that's me! I am beginning to feel a little used lately! Between the several (6) pricks before finding a vein and the ultrasound wand, I feel abused. LOL!

Well yesterday, I think reality hit. My bloodwork and ultrasound were great, aside from the several pricks. The cyst on my right ovary is now just part of my anatomy, I think. My hormone levels look good even though I feel like a walking time bomb. I paid my first big bill, the RE's fee. (The lady in front of me was paying her RE fee for the 3rd time! She kind of freaked me out a bit but after looking at her a little closer I realized she is significantly older than me. So, age is a great factor in infertility and I'm positive this will work the first time for me.) I got my med schedule and the schedule for the next 4 ultrasounds. This IVF thing is really happening! I can't believe it is all coming so quickly.

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