Thursday, August 30, 2007

Report from the Chicken...

Yep, I'm a damn chicken. They retrieved 21 eggs this morning. The IV went in well. The procedure was quick. Bryan was able to give his sample without any problems (thank you portable DVD player and "Lucky Bastard"). I'm a happy but sore lady!

So apparently right after the procedure my doctor came in to talk to everyone. Bryan and my mom said I asked him like 10 questions but I don't remember a thing! I don't remember what I asked or what he answered. They said I was very articulate and was asking good questions. Hmmmm......

I've been sleeping the majority of the day. I will have to say that I did not think that I would be this sore. But apparently the more eggs you take out, the more sore you are. So with 10 eggs being the average number at retrieval time, I guess my soreness is understandable.

We'll get a fertilization report tomorrow. So nervous but excited about that. It's unlikely that all 21 eggs will be mature enough to fertilize. But, my original goal of 12 still looks very attainable! I'll post the report as soon as I get home tomorrow. Everyone keep everything crossed and think positive thoughts about my embryos growing well!

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